Use "quieten|quietened|quietening|quietens" in a sentence

1. Quieten down a bit – don't shout!

2. 8 The barking dogs quietened when they recognized me.

3. She tried to quieten herself down.

4. Cutenesses acuteness justness chutnees astuteness cutinise Acutenesses chutneys stoutens quietens

5. David has mellowed and quietened down a great deal.

6. Invent some reason to quieten old Nosy Salt.

7. When one conceals matters, one does not necessarily quieten them.

8. 11 Invent some reason to quieten old Nosy Salt.

9. 9 Colour needed a complete revamp to quieten the tones and add warmth.

10. Antonyms for Amplifies include quietens, allays, assuages, softens, dulls, lulls, silences, hushes, mutes and stifles

11. Antonyms for Amplifying include quietening, allaying, assuaging, softening, dulling, lulling, silencing, hushing, muting and stifling

12. Antonyms for Acerbating include appeasing, calming, making happy, pleasing, soothing, unwinding, quietening, pacifying, tranquilizing and composing

13. Colour needed a complete revamp to quieten the tones and add warmth.

14. Queen Mary finally quietened Margaret Rose by giving her a pair of opera glasses to peek through.

15. Complaints from teams may quieten the rowdier African fans and their vuvuzelas ( plastic trumpets ).

16. Apaiser translate: to calm, to soothe, to soothe, lull, appease, mollify, pacify, placate, quieten

17. Our pial where to buy cipralex escitalopram omphalotomy Brasqued herself psychokineses barring category's, our add one hootch anticipating nonissuable quietening

18. The primary function of snake venom is, of course, to quieten prey before swallowing them.

19. Her team is trying to find an internationally acceptable gesture to quieten a ringing phone.

20. She stroked Anna's forehead, as much to quieten her own resentment as to soothe Anna.

21. Every so often, the stones would quieten while a doctor would check the women's pulse.

22. He tried to find a compromise that would satisfy his artistic urge and quieten his conscience.

23. The driver tried to quieten the horses as two screeching cats, fighting over some vermin, scurried out of the shadows.

24. You have to learn to quieten it, slow it down, so you can work between the beats.

25. Many blacks remained far from contented, yet two factors helped the President's effort to quieten the racial issue.

26. His release from time-out required that he quieten down and comply with the original request on his return.

27. Her thoughts were growing darker: occasionally one would cause her heart to quicken its beat and then quieten again.

28. Latin Acquiescere "to quieten down" made out of ad "(up) to" + quiescere "to rest, be quiet"

29. 18 His release from time-out required that he quieten down and comply with the original request on his return.

30. Mr Lewis, the mechanic, for example, soon managed to quieten my baby daughter Rachel while I was out of the room.

31. Synonyms for Buttoned up include shut up, stopped talking, kept quiet, kept mum, said nothing, put a sock in it, quietened down, piped down, hushed and belted up

32. Word History: Today's Good Word comes from Latin Acquiescere "to quieten down" made out of ad "(up) to" + quiescere "to rest, be quiet"